Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Project 1

Project 1
Photo Project!!

What my weekends are like....

Last Sunday i had to intern at UCLA police station for 12 hours.
My day started at 4:50am....i was suppose to wake up at 4 to get ready and be at friends dads house by 4:50.

My friend and i got to his house at 5:10 am, we don't know how we did it but we did it.
By 6am we were in the station in the bathroom fixing ourselves up. 

We were running so late i didn't have time to take a picture of us in the bathroom. 
by 7 am we were in the dispatchers room, where all the 911 calls were coming in and the radio was.

8 am we were still in the dispatchers room we weren't doing anything fun since it was so early but the night someone had robbed a student so they were busy with him.

9 am we were in the Reagan hospital eating breakfast.

10 am we got a tour of the place.

to the left is the prison cell, he told us what they had to do before they went into the prison and background check. Middle picture is were they ask the questions and the right is the storage room.

By 11 we got a tour of the cop car and after we went on ride along.

12pm we were still in the car.

we were at the new pool by the time by noon. 

1pm we had lunch at carols jr.

2pm we were heading back to the dispatchers room. 

3pm we were getting a tour of the ambulance by one of the TMC guy

 4-5pm we were out on campus looking at the theater and royce hall and the library.

6pm we were walking to the one of the campus dorms.

7pm we were heading back to the dispatchers room.

8pm we were at home eating junk food and on the computer.

 9-10pm hit the showers and ready for bed.

that is how my day was, to tired to stay up any longer....

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